Sabtu, 27 November 2010


Advertisement is an information and motivating people so that they will attrad to the seruice and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of advertisement :
-          Promotion
-          Communication
-          Information
Media of advertisement :
-          Radio
-          Television
-          Newspaper
-          Megazine
-          Pamflet
Kind of advertisement :
-          Family             -    Article
-          Invitation        -    Announcement
-          Sponsored       -    Goods
-          Requested       -    Merid
Language of advertisement :
-          Using the correct or suitable words
-          Using the interesting and suggestive expressions
-          Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals
Keep the following points to make an advertisement :
-          The content of advertisement must objective and honest.
-          Short and clear.
-          Attract attention.
Example :
Enjoy Bali’s beautiful beaches!
Visit the art city of Ubud!
Buy beautiful souvenirs!
See Mounth Agung and much more.
We’ve got it all! Come and see the art shops,
The temples and the exotic dance.
Come and try our restaurants.
Call Citra Tour, phone (0231) 550870

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